Monday, December 31, 2012

My Top 9 Make-Ups in 2012!!

Heya dear Nitarts' MakeUp Studio Guests! 
Can you believe we're only hours away before welcoming 2013?! >__<
*woot woot*
Time does fly, eh?

It seems like almost everyone has already made their faves makeup/skincare/nail/beauty products of December or 2012, so i decided to make one as well, here goes my list of top 9 makeups in 2012! Yayyy~! :D yes, 9 instead of 10, i know 9 doesn't sound right, lol *cough* very odd indeed i didn't go with top 10, but well, idk what i should have for the tenth, so i left it as it is.

*Please keep in mind this post is NOT meant to be product reviews, so i'll just give brief explanations for each of the product and what works for me probably won't work for you because we have different skin conditions ^___^*

Without further due, i proudly present you these babies :

1. Drugstore Foundation : Revlon Colorstay Makeup with SoftFlex SPF 6 for Combination/Oily Skin in 220 Medium Beige.

This is my most used foundie this year, totally my fave drugstore foundie! Blends easily, buildable coverage, lightweight, good staying power, available in many stores, doesn't break me out, and super affordable. *love love* as for high end foundie, i  haven't found my fave.

- Price : 125.000 rupiahs.
- You can get this product at : Local Revlon counters in your country.

2. B.B Cream : Geo Rx Platinum Mineral Multi-solution B.B Cream.

My mom's friend who's involved professionally in beauty industry gave this as souvenir from Korea, according to her, this B.B cream is one of the finest quality. Mehhh... I honestly didn't know what's so good about this Blemish Balm cream....... until i bought the infamous Missha Perfect Cover B.B Cream  asdfghjkl... this product works waaaaay better than Missha's!!! omygosh. =__="

- Price : S $24
- You can get this product at : Singapore website ---> 

3. Powder : Geo Rx Luminous B.B pact.

Super soft texture, gives you the right amount of beautiful healthy complexion,  not over the top, which is super important for everyday look IMHO.

- Price : S $21
- You can get this product at : Singapore website ---> 

4. Eyeshadow Palette : Naked Palette by Urban Decay

One of the palettes that actually makes beauty enthusiasts around the world go crazy!! lol XD i love this  product, this one is probably the nearest palette to what i call as perfection.
Why? well firstly, I SUPER LOVE THE PACKAGING. Carefully thought, beautifully executed. Velvet, really? yes the velvet choice of material has won my heart by the first touch. Elegant typography, well-balanced layout design. Oh how i love this super classy packaging!!! T___T but yeah, this really depends, because i'm not so into cute/kawaii packaging when it comes to make up, i prefer classy.
Secondly, The mini primer, oh well, this is the best eye primer i have ever encountered this year, and thirdly, let's not forget the US $26 brush included inside!!! i treasure the brush to the extend i've only used it once. omg the only brush which has the same feeling of class is Bobbi Brown's. Lastly, the eyeshadows. lol it's ironic but i love the packaging way more than the eyeshadows.

- Price : US $50 *a very good deal, lemme tell you once again, go grab yours now lol*
- You can get this product at :

5. Set : Bobbi Brown's Long Wear Look with Brush.

GAAAAAAAH this set is sucha good deal of money!! >__< unfortunately Bobbi Brown cosmetics doesn't sell this anymore, they replaced it with "In the Black Long Wear Gel Eye Set" by now CMIIW. Sooo glad i bought this set, super fine US $25 brush.

- Price : i don't really remember but it's around US $45-$55
- You can get this product at : .Now, N/A.

6. Blush Palette : 10 Blush Palette by Coastal Scents.

Super convinient! as the name shows, this palette consists of 10 blush of various colors, you can do so much from this palette, there are colors which you can use as bronzers, shading, contouring, and of course, blush on. Simple yet very useful.

- Price : US $15.95 *super affordable, right?* :)
- You can get this product at :

7. Skindinavia No More Shine MakeUp Finish in 2oz.

This setting spray is pretty cool. lol, nothing to extraordinary but it does its job!!! It holds your makeup throughout the day, suits for special occassion. I wore this to BigBang concert because there's TOP, my fave member of BigBang lol.

- Price : US $19
- You can get this product at :

8. Lipstick : Etude My Dear Blooming Lips-Talk in OR206.
The color is gorgeous once you swipe it onto your lips!! *__* don't be deceived by it's super horrifying orange colors, no no, NO. It delivers different result once you put it on. This shade is pretty!!

- Price : may vary in various countries but it's a Low End brand, so it's supposed not to be sold expensively.
- You can get this product at : Local Etude Counters in your country.

9. Lipgloss : Urban Decay Pocket Rocket in Timothy.

The most unique packaging lipgloss design EVER. Some find this creepy, some find this really cool. well for me it's interesting and nowhere near ordinary. The man picture on the cap can change when you tilt this thing back and forth. There are two pics, the man in suit and the man naked, just wearing underwear. Trololol~ XD
Aside from the packaging, the product's scent is like caramel!! *__* for someone who loves sweets like i do, this is superb!! The texture is super smooth as well. *love love*. Totally worth it! Unfortunately, Urban Decay doesn't produce this thing anymore CMIIW because i can't find this on their website anymore... :( Oh Timothy, you're the one. lol

- Price : i don't really remember but i think it's around US $19 like other UD's lipgloss.
- You can get this product at : .Now, N/A.

All of the products :

Thanks for visiting dear beauty enthusiasts! *hugs* 
Don't forget to follow my blog via GFC, twitter :@nitartstudio and instagram : nitartstudio if you don't mind
I wish you a very joyful NEW YEAR dear!!! ^___^

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Worst Skin Condition of Mine in 2012!

Hello dear Nitarts' Make-Up Studio Guests! :DDD
 GOSH it's been almost a month since my last blog post
i was busy with some stuff
Thank you for all of the supports, ladies! esp. those who said they've been waiting for my new post/FOTD... i'll manage my time better and post at least 2 times a week in 2013!

*i'll be writing this post in Bahasa because the products i'm going to review are only available in Indonesia (Originally Japan products but manufatured in Indonesia) so i'm sorry for the int'l readers*

Hello dear! ini pertama kalinya aku nulis post dalam bahasa Indonesia, semoga ga aneh ya pas ngebacanya. ^^" Cerita ini dimulai ketika beberapa bulan lalu aku dateng ke launching event Hadalabo (brand skincare line dari Jepang), waktu itu mereka baru launching secara resmi di Indonesia. Waktu itu aku EXCITED banget mengenai produk2 Hadalabo ini!!! >__< gimana engga, dari dulu aku penasaran pengen nyobain produk lotion nya yang populer bangettt, di Jepang aja setiap 2 detik kejual 1 botol (astaga), tapi aku ga beli2 via online produk Hadalabo ini soalnya menurutku cukup mahal, eh pas banget Hadalabo tiba2 launching dan manufactured di Indonesia, jadi logikanya pasti harga jual produknya jadi jauh lebih murah dibandingkan dengan yang ori Jepang.

Beberapa bulan kemudian setelah event tersebut, aku mulai memakai lotion Hadalabo dari seri Gokujyun dengan semangat 45 karena aku emang super penasaran dan udah terlanjur jatuh cinta dengan prinsipnya yang ga memasukkan bahan yang ga ada fungsinya di dalam produk mereka (skin pH balanced, low irritation, free of fragrances, mineral oil & colorant). Seri Gokujyun ini mempunyai fungsi untuk memberikan kelembapan yang mendalam untuk kulit supaya ga kering sehingga terasa lembut dan kenyal. Berikut penampakan lotion Hadalabo Gokujyun :

Botolnya cukup besar, dengan netto produk 100ml, generous size memang, tapi sisi negatifnya yaitu  bulky kalau mau dibawa travelling, aku pernah pernah pergi liburan bawa produk ini, karena kehimpit barang lainnya jadi ga sengaja tumpah x__x dan karena ukurannya besar, tumpahnya banyak dan mengenai berbagai produk lainnya. oh man!
Aku pribadi kurang menyukai tutup botolnya, karena IMHO plastik tutup botolnya agak poorly built, botol aku pernah terbentur terus tutup botolnya langsung copot lololol, tapi kalau engga pernah kebentur/jatuh sih aku rasa sama sekali ga masalah ya :)

Tekstur lotion ini watery banget, bahkan, hampir mirip sama air mineral, jadi ketika diaplikasikan produknya gampang menyerap dan engga ada sensasi lengket berkepanjangan yang mengganggu, kalau rasa lengket sedikit sih ada, tapi cuma sebentar kok. Aku pribadi suka sama teksturnya karena ga usah nunggu waktu lama untuk menyerap di kulit wajah.

Warna lotion ini BENING, and that's a plus for me karena aku kurang suka pakai produk untuk muka dengan warna warni yang macem2, apalagi yang warna warni nya cerah banget, waduh udah kebayang aja pewarnanya sebanyak apa... x__x dan karena emang ga pakai parfum, lotion ini ga ada aroma khas produk muka seperti aroma bunga/buah/parfum untuk wanita layaknya produk brand2 kebanyakan lainnya, ini juga merupakan poin plus buat aku.

Singkat cerita setelah kurang lebih sebulan aku pakai produk ini, berikut result nya *WARNING disturbing pictures alert!* :

Seperti yang kalian bisa lihat di beberapa foto diatas, kulit wajahku malah bereaksi buruk banget banget banget kepada produk lotion ini... hiks!!! :'(
Pori2 wajah di daerah pipi kiri dan kanan aku malah jadi terekspos banget ASTAGA, jadi kalo bare face, bahhh... parah. Sebelum memakai produk ini emang aku punya masalah pori2 yang cukup besar, tapi setelah memakai lotion ini pori2 aku malah makin menjadi tambah besar daripada sebelumnya.

Efek kemerahan yang hebat juga nampak di kulit wajahku, kelihatannya jadi kaya iritasi gimana gitu, selain itu muncul jerawat2 kecil dengan jumlah yang banyaaaak di muka aku... T___T memang kecil, ga ada yang besar, tapi jumlahnya itu loh, BANYAK. Sampai pas ketemu temen bloggers, mereka nanya kenapa muka aku jadi jerawatan begitu (padahal aku udah pakai foundie and concealer, imagine how bad my skin condition was, dear!!)

Setelah sebulanan itu, aku langsung cut pemakaian lotion Gokujyun nya, dan perlahan tapi pasti kulit aku mulai membaik. Kemerahannya mulai ilang, pori2 nya jadi ga sebesar foto diatas lagi, dan yang paling melegakan, jerawat kecil2 super banyak itu pada menghilang!! *AT LAST!* Sekarang cuma ada beberapa jerawat kecil di muka aku, horeeeeee.

*Penting untuk diingat!*

Post ini bukan dibuat untuk menjatuhkan produk Hadalabo Gokujyun lotion ya, tapi untuk sharing mengenai kondisi kulit wajahku yang paling buruk selama tahun 2012. Sampai sekarang aku masih ga tau kenapa kulit wajahku ga cocok sama produk ini, ada yang bilang karena kualitas produk Hadalabo buatan Indonesia berbeda dengan buatan aslinya, yaitu Jepang. Ada juga yang bilang mungkin karena formula Hadalabo terlalu rich untuk kulit wajahku dan sebagainya. Yang jelas, aku ga sebel sama produk Hadalabo buatan Indonesia, cuma aku kecewa beraaaaat produk yang aku suka malah ga cocok sama kondisi kulitku... hiks... T____T ironis banget padahal aku jarang ketemu skincare tanpa colorant, perfume, dll yang harganya engga mahal.

Sepertinya produk Hadalabo ini lebih baik digunakan untuk orang yang mempunyai kulit normal, soalnya beberapa temen aku baik itu non-blogger ataupun blogger berkulit normal yang memakai produk Hadalabo Shirojyun dan Gokujyun bener2 suka sama produk ini karena mereka bilang kulitnya jadi kenyal dan sehat. *aih, enak banget ya, aku malah jadi ga karuan*. How about you, dear?

That's it, thanks for reading dear beauty enthusiasts!
if you don't mind, follow my twitter (@nitartstudio) and instagram (nitartstudio)
Thanks a bunch! :D

Friday, November 30, 2012

MonShu Girl Look-Alike Contest By Shu Uemura

Hello MakeUp Enthusiasts~! :D
It's been awhile since my last blog post, eh? been busy with some stuff. Sorry! ;(
GOSH i really have many things to blog in December

anyway, i'm back with another report of a makeup competition 
it's the MonShu Girl Look-Alike Contest by Shu Uemura Indonesia! *weeeee~*

I wanted to join this competition since the first time i read about it on Shu Uemura Indonesia twitter account, but like i said before, November was pretty hectic and idk if i could join... x___x moreover, my hair is nothing like the Monshu Girl ! Mine is long and no bangs, it's like totally the opposite from the official look. As the deadline's approaching, some of my beauty blogger fellas told me to join then i encouraged myself to spend a little time at night for imitating the look.

By the way in case some of you didn't know, Shu Uemura had the winners announced by November 28th, two of the three winners are our very own IBB members, Hana and Sheilla, yay~! congrats again for you both! ^^ *hug hug* Endi Feng and i lost and yeah we're both disspointed *guess all of the contestants all were* since the prize is Shu Uemura x Karl Lagerfield limited edition collection products worth Rp 1.000.000,- T____T but heyyy it's a competition, right and all of the winners really deserved to win IMHO, i was happy for them, i even congratulated Sheilla many times lol XD

Here's the official MonShu Girl look :

As for my 'before' photo i really have to apologise b/c i forgot to take one...  >__<
To cope up with that, here's my 'before' pic for the IBB Enchanting Fairy Challenge, my hair is in the same style before doing the MonShu Girl look so i guess this will do.

and ja-jaangggg! My version of MonShu Girl look ;P

I used A LOT of bobby pins to achieve the hair!!! ^^" Graaaaa~

and fyi, i googled 'how to tie', struggled for some time.... and GAVE UP! lol... look at how silly my tie was in the pic above... T__T *teach me how pls someone*

Eventhough i lost, i'm pretty happy b/c Shu Uemura Indonesia actually said this to me through facebook message... (\( ^3^ )/)

Thanks Shu Uemura Indonesia and congrats again for all of the winners!

Until next time, take care beauty enthusiasts! :*


- Nita Desilia Tannawi (@nitartstudio) 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

IBB "Enchanting Fairy" MakeUp Challenge

Hello Dear Nitarts' Makeup Studio Guests! :D
I'm about to reveal my submission for the Indonesian Beauty Blogger (IBB) first ever Makeup Challenge in November. The theme is "Enchanting Fairy"

The first time i read the word "Fairy", it really reminded me of Tinkerbell lol but i wasn't interested of creating a MakeUp look of her. I'm always driven by passion of doing something different, not that i'm saying Tinkerbell's look is mainstream, but it just doesn't appeal that much for me. I wanted to explore the dark side of a fairy, simply because the dark sides of everything are more "enchanting" to me :)


I made up a fictional fantasy character : Fairy of the Mystical Blue. This fairy is easily misunderstood by her surroundings because of her assertive appearance and she doesn't even try to clarify everytime she's being badly accused and finally, she's exiled from the Fairy World because of something she didn't do. Taken over by sadness, she felt like she's the most miserable fairy out there and solitude is her only friend.

Before : 

After :

*taken with digicam*

*taken with the new ipad's secondary camera. Horrible quality T___T ...*

P.S : my digicam focus is broken so it's super hard to take photos without blurry results. FYI, i took 410 photos and only 15 or so of them are not blurry!!! So please excuse the bad pics quality...

Close Up MakeUp details
*warning! it's pretty disturbing lol*

Products used :

Foundation : Revlon Colorstay for Combination/Oily Skin in 220 Medium Beige
Concealer : ELF All Over Cover Stick in Light Beige
Powder : Revlon Microfine Natural Loose Powder in Medium 02

Primer : ELF Eyelid Primer
Brow Pencil : Etude House Easy Brow Pencil in 1, Dark Brown
Eyeshadow : Sleek Mineral Based Eyeshadow Palette in ACID 570
Eyeliner : Etude Proof 10 Liquid Liner in Black


Coastal Scents 66 Lip Palette

That's it for today, thanks for visiting! 
Until next time, take care beauty enthusiasts!

- Nita Desilia Tannawi (@nitartstudio) 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Skin Aqua Indonesia Beauty Talk Event

Hello beauty enthusiasts! 
Have you ever heard of Skin Aqua? What a silly question, yes? 
of course... it's the no. 1 UV Skin Care in Japan! :D

*promotional pic by Skin Aqua Indonesia, i do not own this*

Last month, Skin Aqua Indonesia invited me along with some other beauty bloggers to attend their Beauty Talkshow held at Tartine Restaurant, FX -Sudirman, Jakarta. I was pretty excited because i do use one of their product, which is the UV Moisture Milk with longer UV protection - SPF 50+ PA+++ for face and body when i travel to minimize the bad effect of the UV rays exposure for my delicate face skin.

Okay, let's moving on to the event report :)

Felicia and i were the first to be arrived! lol we came too fast, i guess. The staffs greeted us warmly, i got to meet mas Dien, the one who invited me, he said i was the hardest blogger for him to contact. MY BAD! He still treated me kindly, i'm sorry mas Dien! :S

We're welcomed with early dinner by Tartine restaurant :9

There were 3 speakers that night :

1. Ms. Ditta Amalia - Product Specialist PT. Rohto Pharmaceutical Indonesia
2. Mr. Furuya Akiyoshi - Vice President PT. Rohto Pharmaceutical Indonesia
3. Ms. Adira  - Fashion Editor

Mr. Furuya told us how Japanese nowadays are more picky to choose their Skin Care, including Sunscreens. Most of them choose Skin aqua for their UV skin care because they feel protected without feeling heavy after the application. Yes guys, this UV skin care line's texture is watery, so don't worry about the annoying sticky feeling, just wait until it absorbs perfectly and you're done! :D

Ms. Ditta explained pretty deeply about the UV rays. Well guys, did you know that there are 3 types of UV? UV-A, UV-B, UV-C. People tend to use SPF only with no PA++ (including me T__T). Yes, SPF will protect your skin from the UV-B which caused sunburn BUT it is the UV-A which caused darker skin tone and early skin aging!! Well i honestly didn't know about this until i attended this event, oh thanks for the depth of the informations given in this beauty talkshow.

There are 4 variants of Skin Aqua UV Skin Care products, so you can choose which of the four would suits your skin condition best ^__^ :

*promotional pic by Skin Aqua Indonesia, i do not own this*

1. Skin Aqua UV Mild Milk
* For dry - sensitive skin
* Contains SPF 25 with PA++ (yay! :D)
* Contains Hyaluronic Acid, collagen, vitamin E
* Does not contain any kind of perfume / colorant / mineral oil
* Can be used as make up base ;)

2. Skin Aqua UV Moisture Gel
* For normal - oily skin
* Contains SPF 30 with PA++ (yay again!)
* Contains Improved Hyaluronic Acid, collagen, vitamin B5, E and C
* Oil free formula
* Also can be used as make up base ;)

3. Skin Aqua UV Moisture Milk 

* For longer protection against UV rays
* Contains SPF 50 with PA++ (product with the biggest SPF by Skin Aqua UV Skin Care, ideal for travelling! :D)
* Contains Improved Hyaluronic Acid, collagen, vitamin B5, and E
* Oil free formula
* Also can be used as make up base ;)

4. Skin aqua UV Whitening Milk

* The name says it all, this product is for those who want to get fairer skin! :)
*Contains SPF 20 with PA++ 
* Contains Improved Hyaluronic Acid and collagen
* Contains Arbutin to make your skin looks fairer
* Also can be used as make up base ;)

important note!

Skin Aqua products are NOT waterproof, so it's essential that you re-apply the usage every 3 hours to keep your skin protected!!! :)

Big group photo of Indonesian Beauty Bloggers!

 *pic is taken from Felicia's blog *

*pic is taken from Ce Phanie's blog*

After the event, me and some of my blogger friends, Endi Feng, Ce Phanie, Franky , Shella , Marsha, Ce Priscilla etc. headed to Foodism to drink & chit chat. yay~ :D

*pic is taken from Ce Phanie's blog*

The goodie bag i received from Skin Aqua, thanks a lot for having me! i felt honored :)

Until next time, take care dear Nitarts' Make Up Studio Guests! :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween Folks!!! ;)

Howdy ho folks! it's the 31st of October!
Happy Halloween!!! :D
i love to see how there are creepy make up looks everywhere, cheers for that~!

After the Skin Aqua Event (which i'd write a super late review later), Ce Phanie, Endi Feng, and Felicia accompanied me to Paper Clip, i picked up a Snazaaro wax to do my special effect Halloween look, but i was really busy with my bloody internship, so i didn't get the chance to experiment with it... :(

Instead of doing scary make ups like some of my blogger friends (they're really good creating believable scars lol) i went with a sad horror doll concept. I remember watching this particular horror movie years ago, the movie's main character is a doll, the only part of the doll's face which can move is just its mouth *forgot the movie title* so i was re-creating the doll's face mixed with my own ideas, super simple! :)

 "So... uhh... do you want to be my friend?"

"NO? uhh... okay..."

"Uhh... on second thought, it's actually not okay..."

"Sorry... but i have to do it..."

 "I have to kill you..."

Happy Halloween and have a blast!!! ^^

Take care,

Nita Desilia Tannawi (@nitartstudio)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Beauty Photography Competition (Desa Warna 2012)

Hiya dear Nitartstudio guests, Happy Monday! :D lol
i'm about to share one of the past Make Up competitions i took a part in! :D

Well, it's not exactly a Make Up competition, it's a Photography competition (i LOVE Photography since High School! just in case you guys had no idea) held by UKM Studio-51 Atmajaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia called "Desa Warna".The length of time given to submit the photo was from Feb 27th until April 1st *and here i am, 8 months later writing a post regarding this competition! lol i didn't have a Beauty Blog back then, remember? :P * anyways, there were 4 categories up for grabs with one main theme for them all, which was "Indonesian Culture" :

1. Human Interest
2. Fashion
3. Architecture
4. Beauty
5. Still Life

I joined the 4th category : Beauty. I had to rush finding a model and thinking about what kind of Indonesian Culture Make Up i wanted to achieve (i ended up going with "Batik" sub theme) , since i was busy with my Uni assignments so timing was really crusial... i wanted to get my Assignments done well on time, on the other hand i didnt want to miss this out as well!! ;P  

I asked one of my bestfriends named Amelia Wijaya right away and she said yes! we're planning to do the photoshoot on Saturday evening because of her working hours. I planned to have the photoshoot done at Kota Tua Jakarta, a historical public place built by the Dutch but unfortunately it was already DARK when we reached there O___O" so... i initiated to go to Grand Indonesia Shopping Mall instead, the only place that came accross on my mind because i've done various things there lol this place has become somewhat like my saviour whenever something unpredictable happens.

Once we arrived, i hurriedly go to this one corner which i think is the least crowded everytime i go there, and i was right! We sat down on this long bench and i started to do her make up!! *Oh, finally*
Although there wasn't many people passing by BUT people who did pass by were  all glancing at us!!! ROFL. Some of them even asked things like "Is there gonna be a show??" and such, i apologize for humiliating you my dear friend!! ;P

Here are some of the results!!!

i was doing the photoshoot near the Mall's toilet! GOSH! hahaha so please bear with the poor lighting! ;( 


and......... a BLOOPER!!!!!
LOL she's gonna kill me for posting this photo! XD Sorry, Mel !! You looked pweeeety IMHO!! ;) Thanks a lot for being my model


In the end i lost but hey that's OK, i had a great time making this Make Up! and uh... i do agree from Photography wise those photos above are not good enough to win the competition. lol so maybe next time! :D

Thank you for reading, fellas! :)
Until next time, take care!

- Nita Desilia Tannawi (@nitartstudio)